Sunday, October 7, 2012

didgeridoo improv

Just some cool improv.


  1. I love this so much. This is the first time I've heard improv on this instrument. It was very cool what he does with it.

  2. The didgeridoo is literally one of my favorite instruments ever. I'm going to buy one soon and start playing it around campus.

    What I like about this video a lot is that regardless of the musical simplicity, it is still entertaining to listen to. One of the things David Darling said was to keep your ostinatos simple, and this guy does that really well while still creating entertaining music. That's really cool

  3. Agreed Pat, the simplicity is key, especially for something as difficult as a didgeridoo. I also think it's interesting that there was very little empty space - there was always that drone, which I find astonishing considering the didgeridoo is a wind instrument.

  4. Oh my goooooosh. YES!!! I love this so much. It gives off that Australian Outback feel. We need this in our class. I was trying to find a video with the didgeridoo, but I forgot the name of the instrument. This instrument is the droning master.

  5. The didgeridoo has such a unique sound to it, and i love how he uses it's overtones to create a rhythmic and almost harmonic sound. His very simple and viable ostinato. I love it.
