Sunday, September 30, 2012

Improv Music Blog

This video is just two guys IMPROVING at RAAAAANDOM. This video relates to what we are currently doing in class, because we as an entire class are improving/improvising on the spot trying to mesh together our individual beats and rhythms to create a united and flowing abstract piece of music.


  1. I think this is a good example of what the Darling conversations had in mind when they talked about the need for everyone to use improvising as an emotional release, regardless of ability or the quality of the final product. I didn't particularly enjoy this, but the duo in the video looked like they were having a blast and their emotional investment in what they were doing made it as good as it was. It was also a very honest improvisation, complete with mess ups and lyrics like "we don't know what we're doing." That honesty is important in all music, improvised or not.

  2. Not only is it obvious they're honestly improvising we can see them develop some techniques for improvisation that seem to help them achieve success. At the beginning they're both trying to sing at the same time, and they start to realize that setting a chord structure or rhythm first, THEN letting the other person build on it is more successful.
