Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Comment required: Welcome and how to blog

Welcome to the class blog for our rotation together!

Some important information:

Accept the invitation: To access all the features of the blog, including writing an original post, you need to accept the invitation that was sent to you earlier today. This works most easily if you:

  1. Sign into Google apps using your DEPAUW, not personal, username.
  2. Open the invitation in the web version of Gmail.  (From: Eric Edberg Subject: "You have been invited . . ")
  3. Click the link in the message.
  4. If need be, log in again with your DEPAUW, not personal, account information.
  5. That will take you to the Dashboard for your DePauw Blogger account.  You'll see this blog listed.
Your screen name: If you haven't already established a profile on your DePauw Blogger account, you'll need to choose a screen name.  This must be one which both I and the rest of the class can recognize as you, so it should include at least a portion of your name in recognizable form. 

To write a comment (five each week/partial week):

A comment is a response you write to someone else's post.  
  1. Click on "view blog."
  2. Click on the title of the post you wish to comment on.
  3. Write your comment and submit.
You need to write 5 comments each week.  The five include those you write on "Comment required" posts by me.

To write an original post:

An original post is a new topic for discussion that you initiate.  It should be relevant to the course:  things related to drumming, drum circles, improvised music, practicing, life as a music student, musical relationships, etc., are all welcome and encouraged.  Your post may include a a description of an experience you've had and your thoughts about it, a video, a link to an online resource (such as an article or website), etc.

To write an original post:

  • From the dashboard, click on the icon with a pen/pencil in it on. 
  • From the blog itself, if and only if you have accepted the invitation in the email AND are logged into your DPU Google Apps account, you can click on "New Post" link in the upper right hand corner of the screen, just to the right of your username.  
If you post a video, you can embed it (make it viewable within the post) by clicking on the little video icon at the top of the box where you enter text.  It looks like a movie clapboard.  If you hover your mouse over the various buttons, you'll see text pop up describing each one.

If your post is a video or link, be sure to describe it, explaining what you find interesting about it and why it's relevant to the class (if that is not self evident).

You need to write one original post each week/partial week.  

Have fun!