Sunday, September 30, 2012

Salsita Rica

If you go to any good salsa club in Latin America, you'll find everyone letting all troubles go on the dance floor.  There might be a few professionals, but mostly you'd find regular people having a good time.  Salsa, like the drum circle, is about feeling the music, and connecting with your partner.  It doesn't matter if you lead or follow as long as you move along with your partner.  When you're about to dance salsa or participate in a drum circle, its essential to go into it with an open mind, thats the only way you can truly lose yourself and find meaning in the experience.  Like drum circles, you don't have to be a professional dancer to enjoy yourself.  Just learn a few simple steps, get lost in the music and you're good to go!


  1. This is awesome. I would actually love trying this in drum circle. I think it would be awesome. It would be almost like bringing eurythmics into drum circle which just sounds awesome. But I totally agree. Ballroom dancing in a way is a lot like music and not just because you dance to music. Its like in swing when you do a flip or some kind of thing you have to completely trust your partner and then when it works you get that amazing feeling you get when you play and you feel almost zen. It is one of the best feelings in the world.
    This was a great video. I loved your thoughts and how you connected this dance to the drum circle.

  2. I think everyone in our group could benefit from learning to let go and just feel the music run through us. In this video I feel like I can really SEE the music running through the veins of the dancers and they are just letting it take control. I really like this.

  3. I agree with Catherine in that I would love to try doing this in the drum circle. I like that we dance individually in the circle because I like how it gives us an opportunity for the spotlight and leadership, but I think that we can extend that idea farther. Sometimes in pieces performed by large ensembles, there are smaller ensembles that are given the spotlight for a period of time (such as a duet that is featured while other members of the ensemble accompany). I think that we can exemplify this in the circle by featuring two to three people interacting, dancing, and taking a leadership role in the center. In my opinion, this would add our concept of musical intimacy.

    Also, I love Latin music, so this video makes me happy :)

  4. Exactly!!! This exactly what the drum circle is about. It is about losing yourself, which is your concerns/insecurities that inhibit free expression, and negativity that hinders everything. It is about having a great time. A time free of stress, a moment for relief, and an instance of relaxation.

  5. What was most evident for me in that video was their ability to release, like everyone is talking about, and that they weren't afraid to look ridiculous. One of the many reasons I don't dance/enjoy doing so when I have to is I have a tendency to audit myself, which you simply can't do if you are to properly release. Also, every time I listen to a good Latin dance band, I'm always in awe of the cowbell player or whoever's job it is to just play really good feeling quarter notes all night.
